
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Mud Bath anyone?

Today, after much searching for a car that took us 4 hours, we made it out to the Dead Sea. Trust Me, they don't call it DEAD for no reason!!!! It is not too far away from Jerusalem and it only took us apporx. 1 hour drive time to get there. As you are going, there are signs that should you your altitude as you make the descend. Sea Level, -100, -200, -300, and by the time we got tot he beach, it was -315 ft below sea level. It was a beautiful day and there was not even a cloud in the sky. The water was warm as we went in and if you are used to swimming, your body gets out of wack. The reason is that there is so much salt in the water that your body naturally floats. So if you try swimming, you have to do the opposite of what you think you should do cause normally you would try to prevent yourself from drowning. No problem of that here, the water almost literally is trying to throw you out. Oh yeah, and if anyone goes in, be extremely careful to not put some in your mouth, as it is the most bitter thing you will ever taste and if it goes into your eyes, well expect to keep them closed for the next 5 minutes. Opening them exposes them to more water and air, which is extremely painful.

Most people consider the water of the Dead Sea as cleansing process and I discovered that first hand as well. If you have any scabs if you go in, expect them to dissolve by the time you leave the water. Any dry skin will peel off, and any dirty spots on your body that you can never clean (something very common in the Third World because most people where sandals and walk in dirt), no problem, that will come out to. The water itself is very think and you get a film of salt water on you that you have to take a shower to get out.

Also, the mud from this area is also supposed to be good for you. With every good thing, however, one must first endure a trial, and for me, it was walking on the stones and pebbles trying to get to the area where you dig into the ground to get the mud out. It was painful!!!!! but in the end, well worth it. My skin is so soft and beautiful :) The mud itself is a bit hard when you pull it out of the ground, but if you keep massaging it in your hands, it gets wetter and softer. And by the time you put it on your body, it is like you are playing with wet mud. One is supposed to leave it on for 15 minutes, and then take it off. It took me longer to walk back because of the stones and pebbles and then I had to wait for Iman to get the camera to take the picture of me covered in mud. I had it on for about 45 minutes. It had dried on me (my back) by the time I took a shower, but it was aaaalll good in the end.


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